Thursday, July 5, 2018

Airrosti review - 3rd visit

Office visit # 3

Checked in and then the Dr. had me do the same range of motion and pain level tests as before.  Asked me as compared to last time were the pain levels better/same/worse.  It feels the same as before - very minimal to no improvement. 

Back on the table just as the previous visits and he did the same deep pressure techniques.  In my armpit at various places (these were the most painful) and then on the top of my deltoid and collar bone.  After this he told me that my next step was my choice between 3 options. 
Option 1 - was to do nothing and wait for the pain and inflammation to go down.  He thinks that I have a slight shoulder impingement and the inflamed area in my shoulder is causing the pain. 
Option 2 - take Aleve or ibuprofen for a week or two make the inflammation go away faster. 
Option 3 - Go se my primary physician and get some prescription anti-inflammatories. 
Not sure which I'll do yet. 

Next up - the recovery specialist. 

Recovery treatment: 
The certified recovery specialist handed me the lacrosse ball and instructed me to warmup with the same 4 exercises as done previously.  See the post before this one to review them.

1. Supraspinatus: 
2. Posterior Shoulder: 
3. Triceps release: 
4. Upper traps: 

I didn't do number 3 above and either he didn't care or he wasn't paying much attention because he didn't stop me or ask me to do them. 
5. Rotation exercise. 

After those were completed he added 1 new movement/exercise today that he called the shoulder pendulum decompression hang.  I hold a 5 to 10 pound dumbbell in one hand and let my hand relax by my side as I swing it front and back naturally and feel the pull/decompression on my shoulder joint. 


That's it for the Airrosti treatment.  I have been discharged and referred to one of the 3 options I mentioned at the top of the treatment section of this page.  For the discharge, they have you fill out an online form asking if you feel better then when you walked in, would you recommend Airrosti to anyone etc. 

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