Monday, July 30, 2018

Spondylolisthesis PT Core workout July 30th 2018

Physical Therapy Week of
Monday July 30th 2018

Home Physical Therapy - Spondylolisthesis BJJ
Mon-Fri = One 30 minute stand desk session each day of the week. 

We were on vacation last week...
Monday 7/30/2018.
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching.
Wednesday 8/1/2018.
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour

Friday 8/3/2018.
Lunch Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class with a 10 minute ab circle.  I plan to try and record our 10 min ab circle for a new video soon but for now here's one we did a while back: 


Monday, July 16, 2018

Spondylolisthesis PT Core workout July 16th 2018

Physical Therapy Week of
Tuesday July 16th, 2018

Home Physical Therapy - Spondylolisthesis BJJ
Mon-Fri = two 30 minute stand desk sessions each day of the week.  1 in the morning and one after lunch. 

Monday 7/16/2018.
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching.
Wednesday 7/11/2018.
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour

Thursday 7/19/2018.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour
Including the ab circle basically identical to this one we did previously: 

Friday 7/20/2018.
Stair runs/walks.  Basement to the top of the 13th floor.  3 times. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Spondylolisthesis PT Core workout July 9th 2018

Physical Therapy Week of
Tuesday July 9th, 2018

Home Physical Therapy - Spondylolisthesis BJJ
Mon-Fri = two 30 minute stand desk sessions each day of the week.  1 in the morning and one after lunch. 

Tuesday 7/10/2018
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching. 
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour
Wednesday 7/11/2018.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour
Weight training - leg day

Thursday 7/12/2018.
Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching. 
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class - 1 hour

Friday 7/13/2018.
Morning - ab circle - very similar to this one that I previous recorded of us in class:

Afternoon - 30 minute stress relief yoga class with a focus on stretching.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Airrosti review - 3rd visit

Office visit # 3

Checked in and then the Dr. had me do the same range of motion and pain level tests as before.  Asked me as compared to last time were the pain levels better/same/worse.  It feels the same as before - very minimal to no improvement. 

Back on the table just as the previous visits and he did the same deep pressure techniques.  In my armpit at various places (these were the most painful) and then on the top of my deltoid and collar bone.  After this he told me that my next step was my choice between 3 options. 
Option 1 - was to do nothing and wait for the pain and inflammation to go down.  He thinks that I have a slight shoulder impingement and the inflamed area in my shoulder is causing the pain. 
Option 2 - take Aleve or ibuprofen for a week or two make the inflammation go away faster. 
Option 3 - Go se my primary physician and get some prescription anti-inflammatories. 
Not sure which I'll do yet. 

Next up - the recovery specialist. 

Recovery treatment: 
The certified recovery specialist handed me the lacrosse ball and instructed me to warmup with the same 4 exercises as done previously.  See the post before this one to review them.

1. Supraspinatus: 
2. Posterior Shoulder: 
3. Triceps release: 
4. Upper traps: 

I didn't do number 3 above and either he didn't care or he wasn't paying much attention because he didn't stop me or ask me to do them. 
5. Rotation exercise. 

After those were completed he added 1 new movement/exercise today that he called the shoulder pendulum decompression hang.  I hold a 5 to 10 pound dumbbell in one hand and let my hand relax by my side as I swing it front and back naturally and feel the pull/decompression on my shoulder joint. 


That's it for the Airrosti treatment.  I have been discharged and referred to one of the 3 options I mentioned at the top of the treatment section of this page.  For the discharge, they have you fill out an online form asking if you feel better then when you walked in, would you recommend Airrosti to anyone etc. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Spondylolisthesis PT Core workout July 3rd 2018

Physical Therapy Week of
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018
Home Physical Therapy - Spondylolisthesis BJJ
Several 30 minute stand desk sessions this week and at least two 30 minute walks. 

Tuesday 7/3/2018

Heel touches (AKA penguins): 


3 sets of 1 minute each.


Side planks: 

3 sets of 30 Seconds each side.  

Figure Four Stretch: 
3 Sets each leg 60 second hold


3 sets for 60 seconds each.  All 3 sets were from the elbows. 

Hamstring door stretch 

3 sets of 1 minute stretch each leg.  Total of 3 minutes stretching per leg. 

Also while doing the hamstring door stretch I did a neck exercise. I lifted my head off the ground and turned my chin side to side shoulder to shoulder for 1 minute.  For the 2nd set I bring my head straight up and down.  3rd set I make a circle. 

3 sets of 1 minute each. 

Bridges with pelvic tilt hold.  3 sets of 35 reps where I press my low back into the table I hold the pelvic tilt and bridge lifting my hips off the table.    

Time today - I forgot to start the timer as I did this up on the mats after BJJ class. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Airrosti review - 2nd visit

Office visit # 2

Checked in and then the Dr. had me do the same range of motion and pain level tests as before.  Asked me as compared to last time were the pain levels better/same/worse.  It feels the same as before - no improvement. 

I laid on my back on the table just as the first visit and he did the same deep pressure techniques.  In my armpit at various places (these were the most painful) and then on the side of my lats.  Next he did pressure which felt like a deep tissue massage on parts of my traps.  He added more this time then the 1st visit by having me also lay on my stomach so that he could work the back and side of my shoulder.  Once that was completed, he had me stand up and do a few range of motions with my arms going up from my sides and across and to my surprise, one of my motions actually felt better this time.  The improved movement was the one where I grab my elbow with my opposite hand and pull my elbow across my chest.  I could bring it farther across before the pain set in than when I first came in.  Next up - the recovery specialist. 

Recovery treatment: 
The certified recovery specialist handed me the lacrosse ball and instructed me to warmup with the same 4 exercises from last week - each 1 minute in duration.

1. Supraspinatus: 

2. Posterior Shoulder: 

Rolling back and forth against the back of the shoulder.  I found out that I was doing this one wrong.  I am to place the ball in the "pocket" which is that small gap between my back and arm with my arm down by my side.  This was only brought up because he asked if any of the 4 movements hurt and I told him this one did.  He looked closer as I showed him how I had been doing it and so I now see I was in the wrong spot.  I was too high up on the bone and that was more painful. 

3. Triceps release: 
Rolling back and forth along the triceps. 

4. Upper traps: 

Leaning in towards the wall.  Place the arm behind the back to stretch and go deeper or let the arm hang down towards floor. 

New exercise. 
He added in a band treatment today which was just like the one I had done about a year ago for my shoulder.  External rotation but only out to about 45 degrees.  In the picture below the arm is going out too far.  I've been instructed not to over extend past 45 degrees. 

He didn't tell me how long or how many reps so I'll wait until I receive the follow up email with the instructional video.  That was it for today.  I'm actually hopeful now after having the across the chest motion of my shoulder feeling better today.  Next appointment is Thursday.