Thursday, July 14, 2016

Spondy Physical Therapy day 8 - Graduation day!

PT Graduation Day! 
Physical Therapy day 8 - Spondylolisthesis BJJ
Thursday 7/14/2016.  Turns out today was "graduation day" as they call it at my PT place - my last day of Physical Therapy. 

Warmup on the total gym with bodyweight squats.  I did 57 slow and controlled incline body weight squats taking my legs to a 90 degree angle for 3 minutes.
2nd warm-up was 6 minutes on the elliptical machine with resistance level of 4.  3 minutes going forward and then 3 minutes going backwards.  I checked my distance this time and I went 1.11 miles over the 6 minute time.  Still not fast - just a warmup.    

Following that was resistance bands going up in resistance using a blue band around both ankles as I did side walks down the path and back a total of 2 times there and back.   

Bench hamstring stretch - was over at a bench where I place one leg up on the bench and tilted forward at the hips with my back straight doing a traditional hamstring straight leg stretch.

After 1 minute I turned outward and the stretch hit my groin and inner hamstring.  After that 2nd minute I turned back inside and crossed over the other way and the stretch got my IT band.  After doing all three of those back to back for 1 minute each position I then did the other leg. 

Hamstring door stretch: 

1 Minute stretch each leg 2 sets total of 2 minutes each leg. 

Next Exercise was  - Roman Deadlifts: 

My best effort was 15 times in a row without losing my balance standing on my left leg.  The hard part about this exercise was the balance portion.  While holding a 10 pound dumbbell with both hands I would lower it slowly to the ground and touch the ground with it.  One leg would go back straight as I lowered the weight to the ground and then back to standing - however the whole time the lifted leg was to never touch the floor.  That leg goes back down next to my other foot but doesn't touch the floor if possible.  This was difficult.  I did 30 reps for each leg this time (compared to 20 reps the first time) and it really made my standing leg work.  My ankle was tired and so was my calf from trying to keep my balance.  Trying to keep my back flat and stomach tight the whole time was tough.  My feet, calves, hamstrings and ankles are tired and sore this evening. 

Pelvic tilts:

While lying on the therapy table I did pelvic tilts continuously for 3 minutes.   Hold each tilt while pressing my lower back into the table and making my core tight.  This time I held each tilt for a count of 10 then release and rest for 1.  Previously it was held for a 5 count. 

Side leg raises with ankle weights
This was the 2nd time using weights - the therapist placed ankle weights and I did 30 repetitions for each leg.  I remembered to check the weight this time and it was 1.5 pounds.  Doesn't seem like much until you get to about rep 20.  The last 10 are tough. 

Isometric hands against knees:   Both knees at the same time (different from picture below)

Another set like last week - 45 second sets.  With back flat on the table you lift both your knees up feet off the table.  Your cross hands to opposite knees and press against your knees while you try to pull your knees towards your hands.  Hold for 45 seconds.  2nd set was same as before but you switched your hands to be straight forward left to left knee and right to right knee.  3rd set was same as before but you put your palms flat on the ground  next to your hips and pressed into the ground with your hands while keeping your knees up. 

Deadbug abdominal exercise: 

Change up today - increase from 30 seconds to 45.  This is like a modified bicycle crunch but instead of bring your elbow to your knee - you kept your arm straight and it went back behind your head as the knee came up and then switched for the other knee.  This was done for 3 sets of 45 seconds. 


I did this from the pushup position and not from the elbows as demonstrated above. 
2 sets of plank holds for 45 seconds each.  This was the first time I had put myself in that position since hurting my back.  It went well - no pain!

IT band stretch:  Keep back flat on the therapy table using the stretch strap to stretch my IT band.
One leg flat on the table with the other leg in the air held straight using the stretch strap to pull across my body.  Still very inflexible here and I need more work in this area.   1 minute each leg 2 times each. 

Buttock/Hamstring stretch:  

This stretch felt good as it stretched many muscles.  I will be adding this to my BJJ class stretches when I return to coaching. 

Last was measurements and graduation.  The therapist looked at the original goals set by the Head therapist and measured my progress.

Measurement 1 - Pain level.  I reported that my pain level the last 7 days was a 1 out of 10.  That's an improvement from 4/10 when I first came to PT and it was originally a 8/10 when I first had back pain.

Measurement 2 - Hamstring flexibility.  Goal was at least 80 degree stretch laying flat on my back and stretching my leg up.  I went 90 degrees and further.  Success!  

Measurement 3 - Side leg raise strength.  On my very first day of PT I met with the Head PT and he did an assessment of various movements, flexibility and strength.  One of my legs he felt was weaker then the other at the side leg raise.  He put it at a 4 out of 5.  Today it measured 5/5 on both sides. 

As of today, no more Physical Therapy.  I will miss some of the therapists and the calm caring atmosphere I felt while in their care.  I see my physician in 11 days and hopefully will receive new xrays

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