Friday, July 8, 2016

Spondylolisthesis Physical Therapy day 6

Physical Therapy day 6 - Spondylolisthesis BJJ

Friday 7/8/2016 -  

Repeat of day 5.  Only change was for the pelvic tilts where I held each tilt for 10 seconds at a time for 3 minutes straight instead of the usual 5 seconds.  My hamstrings were still a little tight and sore from Wednesday's session due to the Roman dead lifts.  When I did that exercise today it was the same result - good work for my standing leg ankle, calf muscles, and thighs.  In addition, I felt it more in my lower back today.

The last three days (Wednesday through Friday) have been the best days so far in terms of how my back has felt.  My work also provided me with a sit stand desk today from
This is the one I have now in my office:

I got it all setup today at the end of the day so I have not actually tried it yet.  I'll probably post about it next week and share my experience about.  My chiropractor had also recommended that I get something like this.

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