Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Followup Dr. Visit - Jiu Jitsu? Weights?

July 26th 2016

Today I had my 6 week follow up visit with my physician.  When I first saw him he ended our initial visit with several things to avoid and to take it very easy. 
These were:

 1) No heavy lifting or any lifting if it could be avoided.  My result = fail.  I have 4 young children and it ended up being impossible not to pickup or help my youngest who is 2 years old.  I was able to reduce the amount of lifting I did but was not able to eliminate it. 

2) No arching/extension.  My result = mostly pass.  I may have arched a few times out of reflex or activity but overall I made a good effort not to. 

3) No exercise outside of physical therapy.  No martial arts or weights lifting.  My result = pass.  This was very difficult.  I am a person that needs to exercise and this was tough.  However, the forced time off was very good for my sprained left bicep and my sprained right shoulder. 

First the bad news:  I was hopeful that I might be one of the few to have my pars fracture heal but this was not to be.  He ordered x-rays today and he showed me on these new x-rays that the pars fracture did not heal.  I looked at the x-ray and I could still see the fracture.  :(

The good news:  My slip has not increased.  Still a grade 1 and after talking in the exam room and doing some tests - he gave me the ok to return to very lite Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and basic exercise and weight lifting.  He still wants me to keep up the core work and to work on increasing/improving my core strength not just maintaining it.  He had me stand up and with both hands on my head he asked me to raise my knee up and try not to let him push it down.  My resistance I thought was ok but he wants it even better.  That was the main test he used.  So upwards and onwards I go with increased core strengthening.  

Since I was cleared to start weight lifting again I decided to go to the gym tonight.  It was difficult to follow the order of starting with very light weights for a few weeks to ease myself back into it.  I decided to do light weight and do 3 sets of 15 reps for most exercises. 
Here was my workout for the evening: 

Dumbbell bench press.  35 pounds each hand for 3 sets of 15 reps.  I tried to consciously engage/activate my core during every exercise.  It felt like I was doing ab exercise during every weight lift.  I held my core tight when I lifted the weights from the rack, when I laid back to begin bench press, etc. 

Seated machine shoulder press.  This one I did very light as I didn't want to compress my spine or have any pain.  3 sets of 15 reps around 40 pounds. 

Lat machine pull downs.  3 sets of 15 reps 70 pounds.  Again - very light weight to ease myself back in. 

Seated machine rows.  I was extra careful on this was as it worked my middle and low back and I wanted to train smart.  3 sets of 15 reps around 60 pounds.  Again - very light weight - taking it slow.

Triceps press downs.  3 sets of 15 reps 45 pounds. 

Standing bicep dumbbell curls.  3 sets of 15 reps 25 pound each hand.  I kept my core tight the entire time during each rep.  It felt like I was doing 2 exercises at the same time - ab work and curls.  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - tomorrow will be my first time going back to Jiu Jitsu in 2 months.  I will take it very slow and easy and I'm looking forward to teaching again! 

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