Monday, January 22, 2018

Spondylolisthesis BJJ 2018 - PT week 4

Physical Therapy Week of
Monday Jan 22nd 2018 - Sunday Jan 28th 2018:
Home Physical Therapy - Spondylolisthesis BJJ

Update - Due to time constraints, I have started to include using my stand desk at work.
I'm mixing it up with either two 30 minute standing desk sessions or walks.
Monday 1/18/2018.

Exact same workout today as last Thursday which you can see here:

Planks were better today.  I plan to increase the hold time next session.

Same time - 24 minutes.

Thursday 1/25/2018 

1 hour BJJ class followed by a short circuit of core work.

3 sets of planks at 75 seconds each.
3 sets of figure four stretches.
3 sets of bicycle crunches
3 sets of door frame hamstring stretches.
Did not time this session.

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